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CRY3282 Pressure-field Microphone, 1/2", External-polarized, 12.5mV/Pa
CRY3282 Pressure-field Microphone, 1/2", External-polarized, 12.5mV/Pa
CRY3282 is a 1/2-inch externally polarized measurement microphone designed for pressure field measurements. It is specifically designed to be used in conjunction with a coupler chamber for related electroacoustic testing.
The unique design of CRY3282 enables high-quality and wide-frequency response testing of in-ear monitors and earplugs. Its frequency range extends up to 20kHz, surpassing the testing capabilities of most simulated ears.
- Full-range pressure-field microphone
- Extensive compatibility
- Durable, reliable, and high-quality

CRY3282 Measurement Microphone?Typical Frequency Response
The graph (right) shows the frequency response curves obtained using the electrostatic excitation method.
CRY3282 Measurement Microphone?Typical Frequency Response
The graph (right) shows the frequency response curves obtained using the electrostatic excitation method.

Technical Specifications
Technical specification