
CRY3501 1/2" Preamplifier, IEPE, BNC Connector

CRY3501 1/2" Preamplifier, IEPE, BNC Connector

CRY3501 is a preamplifier powered by a constant current power supply. It can be used in conjunction with the CRY3000 series 1/2 inch prepolarized measurement microphone. At the same time, it is widely compatible with other brands.


CRY3501 converts high input impedance to low output impedance, allowing the use of a longer extension cable. Its advantage of low background noise hardly causes a load to the microphone. It supports TEDS function, which can reduce test time. Its good design and toughness make it widely applicable to various environmental conditions.


  • High input impedance, low output impedance
  • BNC interface
  • Supports “Smart Transducer Interface” IEEE 1451.4 containing TEDS/TEDS function
  • Low background noise
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1/2 inch
Power Supply
Size of Preamplifier
Output Type
Sound Field
Addition Plug-in
Microphone Array
Intrinsic Safe
Test Contents
Number of Channels
IEC 61672-1:2013 Class
Size of Microphone
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