
CRY3542 1/4" Preamplifier, IEPE, SMB Connector

CRY3542 1/4" Preamplifier, IEPE, SMB Connector

CRY3542 is a constant-current power preamplifier that can be used with the CRY3000 series 1/4 inch prepolarization measuring microphone and is widely compatible with other brands.


The CRY3542 features a high input impedance that is converted to a low output impedance, enabling the use of extended cables without compromising performance. It boasts exceptionally low background noise, minimizing any load on the microphone and ensuring accurate results. The inclusion of TEDS functionality streamlines testing by reducing setup time. Its robust design and durability make it adaptable to a variety of environmental conditions.

  • High input impedance, low output impedance
  • SMB Interface
  • Supports “Smart Transducer Interface” IEEE 1451.4 containing TEDS
  • Low background noise
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1/4 inch
Power Supply
Size of Preamplifier
Output Type
Sound Field
Addition Plug-in
Microphone Array
Intrinsic Safe
Test Contents
Number of Channels
IEC 61672-1:2013 Class
Size of Microphone
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