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CRY3719 Coupler IEC 60318-5
CRY3719 Coupler IEC 60318-5
CRY3719 is a 2cc coupler designed specifically for audiometry and acoustic testing of insert earphones.
The unique design of CRY3719 features a resonant frequency of 22.4kHz, effectively avoiding interference with measurements within the audible frequency range. This enables stable and reliable high-quality acoustic testing.
- Compliant with IEC 60318-5 standard
- Extensive compatibility
- Durable, reliable, and high-quality

CRY3719 Ear Simulator Typical Frequency Response
The graph (right) shows the frequency response curves obtained using the electrostatic excitation method.
CRY3719 Ear Simulator Typical Frequency Response
The graph (right) shows the frequency response curves obtained using the electrostatic excitation method.

Technical Specifications
Technical specification