
CRY801B Headphone Test Fixture

CRY801B Headphone Test Fixture

The CRY801B Headphone Test Fixture is designed for testing over-ear headphones, hearing protection devices such as earmuffs and earplugs. Constructed from robust oxidized and blackened aluminum, it is mounted on a resilient base that minimizes the noise floor during testing. Foam plugs are incorporated to prevent sound leakage along the cables.


The fixture can be configured with the CRY711 and CRY318 Ear Simulators for headphone testing. Its user-friendly assembly and compatibility with a mouth simulator make it an ideal choice for production line testing of over-ear headphones.

  • Compatible with multiple devices for wide range of applications
  • Easy to assemble and designed with robust materials


  • Allows for different configurations for typical applications and use cases.
  • Fitted with ear simulators complying with IEC 60318-4(2010) and IEC 60318-1(2009).
  • Fixture can be customized according to earmuffs and be vertically and horizontally adjusted.
  • Complete with a mouth simulator.
  • Allows for different configurations for typical applications and use cases.
  • Fitted with ear simulators complying with IEC 60318-4(2010) and IEC 60318-1(2009).
  • Fixture can be customized according to earmuffs and be vertically and horizontally adjusted.
  • Complete with a mouth simulator.

Technical Specifications

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Headphone Testing
Power Supply
Size of Preamplifier
Output Type
Sound Field
Addition Plug-in
Microphone Array
Intrinsic Safe
Test Contents
Number of Channels
IEC 61672-1:2013 Class
Size of Microphone
Contact Testing